IN THE NEWS: Look to this Page for Recent Articles of Botanical Interest
04/04/2007 - Rare, Ancient Tree Soon for Sale at Nurseries:
11/27/2007 - Tree of Life for Flowering Plants Reveals Relationships Among Major Groups:
12/15/2007 - Prairie Revival:
01/17/2008 - Giant Exploding Palm Tree Discovered in Madagascar:
01/01/2009 - Biotech's Green Gold?:
01/27/2009 - Billion year revision of plant evolution timeline may stem from discovery of lignin in seaweed: year_revision_of_plant_evolution_timeline_may_stem_from_discovery_of_lignin_in_seaweed.html
02/02/2009 - Chocolate has been a Delicacy North of Mexico for a Thousand Years:
02/18/2009 - Researchers Detail Role of Apples in inhibiting Breast Cancer:
03/25/2009 - Earliest Evidence of Domesticated Maize (Corn) From 6,700 B.C.:
08/11/2009 - Giant 'Meat-Eating' Plant Found:
10/05/2009 - The Amazing Maze of Maize Evolution:
11/30/2009 - World's Smallest Orchid Discovered in Ecuador:
01/10/2010 - World's Oldest Living Things:
01/21/2010 - Blueberry Juice Improves Memory in Older Adults:
02/24/2010 - DNA sequencing unlocks relationships among flowering plants:
08/27/2010 - Black Rice rivals blueberries as source of healthful antioxidants:
09/01/2010 - Medicinal Plants Face Extinction:
01/15/2011 - Bioactive compounds in Berries can reduce high blood pressure:
01/16/2011 - Green Super Rice is Coming:
03/08/2011 - Eating Apples extends lifespan of test animals by 10 percent:
04/09/2011 - Fishy Fat from Soy is Headed for US Dinner Tables:
04/17/2011 - Ancestors of Land Plants Revealed:
04/29/2011 - Tropical Blueberries extremelyt high in healthful antioxidants:
05/03/2011 - 'Apple a Day' advice rooted in science:
05/04/2011 - New evidence that caffeine is a healthful antioxidant in coffee:
07/14/2011 - Latin American Blueberries found to be 'extreme superfruits':
12/13/2011 - Nature's Medicine Cabinet Could Yield Hundreds of New Drugs:
01/09/2012 - Newly Discovered Carnivorous Plant Devours Underground Worms:
01/18/2012 - Ancient popcorn discovered in Peru:
02/17/2012 - Origin of Photosynthesis Revealed by a 'Living Fossil':
02/21/2012 - The Real Caveman Diet:
02/22/2012 - Russians Revive Ice Age flower from Frozen Burrow:
02/27/2012 - Analyzing Complex Plant Genomes with the Newest Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Techniques:
02/28/2012 - Florida Woman Sets Fire to 3500 Year Old Bald-Cypress:
02/29/2012 - Norway Seed Bank hits 740,000 Seed-Sample Mark:
03/07/2012 - Eating Blueberries, Blackberries, Strawberries and other berry fruits benefits the brain:
03/25/2012 - Popcorn: The snack with even higher Antioxidant-Levels than fruits and vegetables:
05/06/2012 - Cypress Speciation Due to Continental Drift:
05/31/2012 - Dark Chocolate could prevent heart problems in high-risk people:
07/16/2012 - Cache Crop: - Rodents May Have Replaced Extinct Megafauna as Seed Dispersers:
09/21/2012 - Transparent Soil Lets Researchers Study Plant Roots:
10/02/2012 - An Apple a Day lowers level of blood chemical linked to hardening of the arteries:
10/03/2012 - New Fanged Dwarf Dinosaur from Africa Ate Plants:
11/17/2012 - Giant Reed seen as Biofuel - or Another Kudzu Disaster:
11/26/2012 - Bioengineered Marine Algae Expands Environments Where Biofuels can be Produced:
11/28/2012 - Tiny Algae Shed Light on Photosynthesis as a Dynamic Property:
12/01/2012 - Giant Sequoia takes over as World's Second Biggest Tree:
12/07/2012 - What Happens to Plant Growth when you Remove Gravity?:
12/08/2012 - Fears over Indonesia's Thirst for Palm Oil:
12/25/2012 - German Scientists seek to Clone perfect Christmas Tree:
01/14/2013 - Strawberries, Blueberries may cut heart attack risk in Women:
2/08/2013 - Largest Coast Redwoods Being Cloned:�
02/19/2013 - Caffeine linked to low birth weight babies:
3/19/2013 - Teenager Creates Algae-Powered Biofuel in her Bedroom Lab:;
05/06/2013 - European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government:
6/03/2013 - 400-year-old Plants Embedded in Glacier Revived by Scientists:
06/21/2013 - England, Meet your New Giant Sheep-Eating Plant:
06/26/2013 - African medicinal plants may stop tumor growth from multi-drug resistant cancers:
07/12/2013 - Horticultural Artists Grow Fantastical Scenes at the Montreal Botanical Garden:
10/02/2013 - New fossils push the origin of flowering plants back by 100 million years to the early Triassic:
11/01/2013 - Weird Forests Once Sprouted in Antarctica:
11/19/2013 - Tomato + Potato = TomTato:
12/19/2013 - The Origin of Flowers: DNA of storied plant provides insight into the evolution of flowering plants:
02/03/2014 - Greenhouse 'time machine' sheds light on corn domestication:
SEPTEMBER, 2011 - Nursery established, several hundred plants added.
OCTOBER, 2011 - Cal Andrus meets with various government officials, leaving MBBG Brochure, obtaining Letters of Interest.
NOVEMBER, 2011 - Logo for MBBG prepared by Full Steam Marketing and Design found on internet search.
DECEMBER, 2011 - Arrangements made for January, 2012 contacts in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties.
JANUARY, 2012 - Further contacts with numerous private government agencies, companies and individuals and leaving MBBG Brochure, obtaining additional Letters of Interest from Monterey and Santa Cruz County individuals and entities..
JANUARY, 2012 - Provisional MBBG website developed giving basic outline of project.
JANUARY, 2012 - Memorial Garden project launched, first plants ordered.
FEBRUARY, 2012 - Nursery adds exotic plants Welwitschia, African Baobab and Cacao; other plants in nursery include Ficus elastica (rubber tree), Ficus benjamina, Quercus robur (English oak), Fragaria ananassa, with numerous other species on order. Updates will be posted in the Nursery section, below.
FEBRUARY, 2012 - Nursery completes Phylogenetic Tree for all land plants, posts results on this website (below).
FEBRUARY, 2012 - Founder joins Botanical Society of America (BSA), begins networking with Kew Botanical Garden and Missouri Botanical Garden.
MARCH, 2012 - Nursery expands Collection
MARCH, 2012 - Letters of Interest added to website
MARCH, 2012 - Vernal/Autumnal Equinox on March 20, 2012 - First Day of Spring/Northern Hemisphere; First Day of Autumn/Southern Hemisphere
APRIL, 2012 - Nursery expands Collection
MAY, 2012 - Nursery expands Collection
JUNE, 2012 - Summer/Winter Solstice on June 20, 2012 - First Day of Summer/Northern Hemisphere; First Day of Winter/Southern Hemisphere
JUNE, 2012 - Nursery expands Collection
JULY, 2012 - Nursery expands Collection; adds wine grapes to grape collection, expands berry collection
AUGUST, 2012 - Nursery expands Collection
SEPTEMBER, 2012 - Autumnal/Vernal Equinox on September 22, 2012 - First Day of Autumn/Northern Hemisphere; First Day of Spring/Southern Hemisphere
SEPTEMBER, 2012 - Nursery adds 200+ Sequoia gigantea for landscaping of botanical garden, orders thousands more trees for landscaping
OCTOBER, 2012 - Nursery adds a dozen species of Cactus, anchoring the development of an extensive Cactus collection.
NOVEMBER, 2012 - Blackstone finalizes acquisition of Vivint, Inc.; Joe S. reviews website
DECEMBER 21, 2012 - Winter/Summer Solstice arrived on December 21, 2012
JANUARY, 2013 - Todd Pedersen develops interest in project
FEBRUARY, 2013 - Development of Wikipedia pages for Monterey Bay Ag-Business
MARCH, 2013 - Replanting of Giant Sequoia into larger containers following winter snows
MARCH, 2013 - Vernal/Autumnal equinox arrived on March 20, 2013
APRIL, 2013 - Preliminary meeting in Monterey Bay area with Ag Business representatives
MAY, 2013 - to be posted
JUNE, 2013 - to be posted
JULY, 2013 - to be posted
AUGUST, 2013 - to be posted
SEPTEMBER, 2013 - to be posted
OCTOBER, 2013 - to be posted
NOVEMBER, 2013 - to be posted
DECEMBER, 2013 - to be posted
JANUARY, 2014 - to be posted
FEBRUARY, 2014 - pending
PLANTS IN OUR NURSERY - Some of the More Unusual Plants Presently Growing in Our Nursery:
The common name is provided, rather than the scientific name. The scientific Genus, Family, Order, Division and Clade is provided in parentheses for those wishing to learn more of the diverse types within the genera and families, with Links provided if you wish more detail. The system classification follows the APG-III system (2009),with some additional modification (2012) for clarity. One of the scientific purposes of this botanical garden is to further refine the current classification system, which has extensively used DNA comparisons to elucidate relationships.
The arrangement of plants in our nursery is phylogenetic, as will be the arrangement in the Main Garden (temperate outdoors) and the Crystal Palace (tropical indoors).
We are presently focusing on obtaining representatives from most of the families of seed plants (angiosperm, or flowering plants; and gymnosperm, or cone-bearing plants. Thereafter, we will focus on obtaining representatives of each genus within the family, while also focusing on selected genera. We will also have a goodly representation of spore reproducing plants such as ferns, liverworts, psilotums, horsetails, and mosses. Presently (February, 2012) we have representatives in our Nursery from approximately half of the families of flowering plants. We expect to obtain representatives of most of the other half by the end of 2012, giving the garden a very deep diversity of flowering plants.
Plants are classified phylogenetically based upon the relationships of their ancestral plants. While the gross morphology of plants allows for showing relationships of closely related members, in order to obtain relationships of more distantly related members, we have had to rely on studies of genetics at the cellular level, comparing the DNA of the chromosomes of the plants. This has allowed for a far more accurate study of relationships than before the advent of DNA analysis, and has allowed for changes in groupings that had been in usage in previous years that had been determined solely on morphology. While much improvement has been made in the phylogenetic relationships, much work remains to be done.
The archegonium is the land plant's morphological equivalent to a mammal's womb, i.e. where the fertilized egg develops into an embryo. It is found in all non-flowering land plants except that the term is not used for the gnetophytes Gnetum and Welwitschia because the megagametophyte is reduced to just a few cells, one of which differentiates into the egg cell, similar to the flowering plants in which it is greatly reduced in structure. A more formal study of the archegonium requires a study of the alternation of generations for land plants and the difference between the haploid phase and diploid phase, and ploidy in general. The archegonium is present in the gametophyte generation, but not in the sporophyte.
The Plant List is an independent listing of the Families of Land Plants in each of the four main groupings shown below [Spore - Haploid Generation Dominant; Spore - Diploid Phase Dominant; Seed - Naked (Gymnosperm); Seed - Enclosed (Angiosperm)], developed by our associates at Kew and MBG. While it does not organize the families phylogenetically (rather alphabetically) as does our scientific system below, it does have a complete listing of the recognized families, with links to the recognized genera in each family. It makes for a good adjunct to the comprehensive listing of land-plant Orders below, and references to their families.
Haploid Phase Dominant (non-vascular diploid phase)
Moss (not currently in the nursery - examples of Mosses below)

(Drawing courtesy of E. Haeckel)
Liverwort (not currently in our nursery - examples of Liverworts below)

(Drawing courtesy of E. Haeckel)
Hornwort (not currently in our nursery - examples of Hornworts below)

(Phaeoceros laevis)
Diploid Phase Dominant (vascular diploid phase)
Rhyniophyta (all Orders believed extinct since the Devonian era)
Zosterophyllophyta (all Orders believed extinct since the Devonian era or thereafter)
Lycopodiophyta (not currently in our Nursery)
Lycopodiales Order (Club Mosses)
Isoetales Order (Spike Mosses)
Selaginellales Order (Spike Mosses)
Trimerophytophyta (all Orders believed extinct since the Devonian era)
Pteridophyta (not currently in our Nursery)
Cladoxylopsida Orders (all Orders believed extinct since the Devonian)
Psilotopsida Orders (Psilotums or Whisk Ferns)
Equisetopsida Orders (Horsetails)
Marattiopsida Orders (Mule's Foot Ferns)
Polypodiopsida Orders (Ferns)
Zygopeteridales Order (all fern-like Orders believed extinct since the Carboniferous era)
Stauroptedridales Order (this Order believed extinct)
Rhacophytales Order (this Order believed extinct)
(Our Nursery species below are to be sorted into the above phylogenetic system based on their Order, Family, Genus and Species.)
African Baobab (Adansonia Genus; Malvaceae Family; Malvales Order; Rosids Division; Eudicotyledon Clade) in native habitat. These are the oldest living trees, with ages of 5,000+ years. There are eight species of Baobab, one native to Africa (below), one native to Australia, and six native to Madagascar.
Grandidieri's Baobab (Adansonia Genus) in native habitat in Madagascar. This species is currently 'on order' and will soon be in our nursery. It is a close cousin to the African Baobab, being in the same genus.
Indian Rubber Tree (Ficus Genus; Moraceae Family; Rosales Order; Rosids Division) in native habitat; this tree is fully tropical and requires indoor growth in temperate regions. It has aerial roots that grow to the ground, securing the tree and allowing it to spread. It is a close relative of the Banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis), not yet in our nursery.
Ficus benjamina (Ficus genus), (aka Ficus, aka Weeping Fig) as seen in a garden in India; this plant is a common indoor plant in temperate regions.
Common Fig (Ficus genus) or Ficus carica is a widely cultivated fruit tree that grows well in temperate regions. Below is a close-up of maturing fig fruits from the Black fig variety.
Saber Fig (Ficus genus)
Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron Genus; Cupressaceae Family; Pinales Order; Pinophyta Division; Gymnosperm Clade) growing in native habitat in Mariposa Grove in the Sierra Nevadas.
Northern California Black Walnut (Juglans Genus; Junglandaceae Family; Fagales Order; Rosids Division; Eudicotyledon Clade), also used as the root-stock for the English Walnut of commercial cultivation.
English Walnut (Juglans Genus), grafted onto Northern California Black Walnut (NCB Walnut) root-stock. Our grafting stock derives from very-large-nut trees.
Apple (Malus Genus; Rosaceae Family; Rosales Order)
Pear (Pyrus Genus; Rosaceae Family)
Cherry (Prunus Genus; Rosaceae Family)
Peach (Prunus Genus)
Apricot (Prunus Genus)
Plum (Prunus Genus)
Blackberry (Rubus Genus; Rosaceae Family)
Grape (Vitis Genus; Vitaceae Family)
Strawberry (Fragaria Genus; Rosaceae Family)
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera Genus; Cactaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order; Core Eudicots Division; Eudicotlyedon Clade)
Argentine Opuntia Cactus (
Opuntia Genus; Cactaceae Family
Balloon Cactus (
Parodia Genus; Cactaceae Family
Yellow Tower Cactus (Parodia Genus)
Notocactus Uebelmannianus (Parodia Genus)
Notocactus Leninghausii (Parodia Genus)
Hamatocactus Hamatacanthus (
Thelocactus Genus, Cactaceae Family)
Old Lady Cactus (
Mammillaria Genus, Cactaceae Family)
Strawflower Cactus (Mammillaria Genus)
Thimble Cactus (Mammillaria Genus)
Blue Barrel Cactus (
Ferocactus Genus, Cactaceae Family)
Chamaelobivia Cactus (
Echinopsis Genus, Cactaceae Family)
Lobivia Leucomalla (Echinopsis Genus)
Trichocereus Grandiflorus (
Echinopsis Genus)
Stenocereus Pruinosus (
Stenocereus Genus, Cactaceae Family)
Tulip (Tulipa Genus; Liliaceae Family; Liliales Order; Monocotyledon Clade)
Lily (Lilium Genus; Liliaceae Family)
Daffodil (Narcissus Genus; Amaryllidaceae Family; Asparagales Order; Monocotyledon Clade)
Gladiolus (Gladiolus Genus; Iridaceae Family; Asparagales Order)
Asparagus (Asparagus Genus; Asparagaceae Family; Asparagales Order)
Artichoke (Cynara Genus; Asteraceae Family; Asterales Order; Asterids Division; Eudicotlyedon Clade )
Rose (Rosa Genus; Rosaceae Family)
Croton (Croton Genus; Euphorbiaceae Family; Malpighiales Order; Rosids Division)
Bromeliad (Cryptanthus Genus; Bromeliaceae Family; Poales Order; Commelinids Division; Monocotyledon Clade)
Sempervivum (Sempervivum Genus; Crassulaceae Family; Saxifragales Order; Core Eudicots Division; Eudicotlyedon Clade)
Sedum (Sedum Genus; Crassulaceae Family)
Ice-Plant (Carpobrotus Genus; Aizoaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Pumpkin (Cucurbita genus; Cucurbitaceae Family; Rosids Division)
Chocolate (Theobroma Genus; Malvaceae Family
Blueberry (Vaccinium Genus; Ericaceae Family; Ericales Order; Asterids Division)
Azalea (Rhododendron Genus; Ericaceae Family)
Rhododendron (Rhododendron Genus)
Gooseberry (Grossularia Genus; Grossulariaceae Family; Saxifragales Order; Core Eudicots Division)
Currant (Ribes Genus; Grossulariaceae Family)
Rhubarb (Rheum Genus; Polygonaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Lilac (Syringa Genus; Oleaceae Family; Lamiales Order; Asterids Division)
Potato (Solanum Genus; Solanaceae Family; Solanales Order; Asterids Division)
Corn (Zea Genus; Poaceae Family; Poales Order; Commelinids Division)
Poinsettia (Euphorbia Genus; Euphoriaceae Family;
Maple (Acer genus; Sapindaceae Family; Sapindales Order; Rosids Division
Castor 'Bean' (Ricinus Genus; Euphorbiaceae Family)
Anise (Pimpinella Genus; Apiaceae Family; Apiales Order; Asterids Division)
Radish (Raphanus Genus; Brassicaceae Family; Brassicales Order; Rosids Division)
Lupine (Lupinus Genus; Fabaceae Family; Fabales Order; Rosids Division)
Date (Phoenix Genus; Arecaceae Family; Arecales Order; Commelinids Division)
Tangerine (Ctirus Genus; Rutaceae Family; Sapindales Order; Rosids Division)
Orange (Citrus Genus)
Grapefruit (Citrus Genus)
Rutabaga (Brassica Genus; Brassicaceae Family; Brassicales Order; Rosids Division)
Avocado (Persea Genus; Lauraceae Family; Laurales Order; Magnoliids Division; Angiosperm Clade)
Ginger (Zingiber Genus; Zingiberaceae Family; Zingiberales Order; Commelinids Division)
Carnation (Dianthus Genus; Caryophyllaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Horse-Radish (Armoracia Genus; Brassicaceae Family)
Jicama (Pachyrhizus Genus; Faboideae Sub-Family; Fabaceae Family)
Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Genus; Convolvulaceae Family; Solanales Order)
Garlic (Allium Genus; Amaryllidaceae Family)
Kohlrabi (Brassica Genus)
Cabbage (Brassica Genus)
Portulaca (Portulaca Genus; Portulacaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Swiss Chard (Beta Genus; Amaranthaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Lavender (Lavandula Genus; Lamiaceae Family; Lamiales Order)
Zinnia (Zinnia Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Sage (Salvia Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Oregano (Origanum Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis Genus; Nyctaginaceae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum Genus; Tropaeolaceae Family; Brassicales Order)
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum Genus; Plantaginaceae Family; Lamiales Order)
California Poppy (Eschscholzia Genus; Papaveraceae Family; Ranunculales Order; Eudicots Division)
Columbine (Aquilegia Genus; Ranunculaceae Family; Ranunculales Order)
Larkspur (Delphinium Genus; Ranunculaceae Family)
Stringbean (Phaseolus Genus; Fabaceae Family)
Convolvulus (Convolvulus Genus; Convolvulaceae Family; Solanales Order)
Marigold (Tagetes Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Beet (Beta Genus; Amaranthaceae Family)
Coleus (Solenostemon Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Dahlia (Dahlia Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Genus; Asparagaceae Family)
Sensitive Plant aka Mimosa (Mimosa Genus; Fabaceae Family
Heuchera (Heuchera Genus; Saxifragaceae Family)
Moonflower (Ipomoea Genus; Convolvulaceae Family;
Borage (Borago Genus; Boraginaceae Family; Boraginales Order; Asterids Division)
Catnip (Nepeta Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Salvia (Salvia Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Thyme (Thymus Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Torch Lily aka Red-Hot-Poker (Kniphofia Genus; Xanthorrhoeaceae Family; Asparagales Order)
Chinese Lantern (Physalis Genus; Solanaceae Family)
Passion Flower (Passiflora Genus; Passifloraceae Family; Malpighiales Order)
Petunia (Petunia Genus; Solanaceae Family)
Love-In-A-Puff (Cardiospermum Genus; Sapindaceae Family)
Mallow (Malope Genus; Malvaceae Family)
Cypress Vine (Ipomoea Genus)
Lettuce (Lactuca Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Cabbage (Brassica Genus)
Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos Genus; Fabaceae Family)
Pak Choi (Brassica Genus)
Statice (Limonium Genus; Plumbaginacaeae Family; Caryophyllales Order)
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Siberian Wallflower (Erysimum Genus; Brassicaceae Family)
Lance-leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Sweet William (Dianthus Genus)
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Prairie Coneflower (Echinacea Genus)
Gloriosa Daisy (Rudbeckia Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Blue Flax (Linum Genus; Linaceae Family; Malpighiales Order)
Foxglove (Digitalis Genus; Plantaginaceae Family)
Baby's Breath (Gypsophila Genus; Caryophyllaceae Family)
Catchfly (Lychnis Genus; Caryophyllaceae Family)
Okra (Abelmoschus Genus; Malvaceae Family)
Mother-In-Law's-Tongue (Sansevieria Genus; Asparagaceae Family)
Pothos (Epipremnum Genus; Araceae Family; Alismatales Order; Monocotlyedon Division)
Peperomia (Peperomia Genus; Piperaceae Family; Piperales Order; Magnoliids Division
Canna Lily (Canna Genus; Cannaceae Family; Zingiberales Order)
Schefflera (Schefflera Genus; Araliacaeae Family; Apiales Order)
Bugleweed (Ajuga genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Aluminum Plant (Pilea Genus; Urticaceae Family; Rosales Order)
Ivy (Hedera Genus; Araliaceae Family)
Scotch Moss (Sagina Genus; Caryophyllaceae Family)
Sea Pink (Armeria Genus; Plumbaginaceae Family)
Tufted Evening Primrose (Oenothera Genus; Onagraceae Family; Myrtales Order, Rosids Division)
Munro Globemallow (Sphaeralcea Genus; Malvaceae Family)
Aloe Vera (Aloe Genus; Xanthorrhoeaceae Family)
Ox-Tongue (Gasteria Genus; Xanthorrhoeaceae Family)
'Fang' Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe Genus; Crassulaceae Family
Hollyhock (Alcea Genus; Malvaceae Family)
Saguaro Cactus (Camegiea Genus; Cactaceae Family)
Fishhook Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus Genus; Cactaceae Family)
Dessert Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia Genus; Cactaceae Family)
Santa Rita Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia Genus)
Christmas Cholla Cactus (Cylindropuntia Genus; Cactaceae Family)
Cane Cholla Cactus (Cylindropuntia genus)
Cardon Cactus (Pachycereus Genus; Cactaceae Family)
Parsnip (Pastinaca Genus; Apiaceae Family)
Yam (Dioscorea Genus; Dioscoreaceae Family; Diocoreales Order; Monocots Division)
Turnip (Brassica Genus)
Mango (Mangifera Genus; Anacardiaceae Family; Sapindales Order)
Lemon (Citrus Genus)
Lime (Citrus Genus)
Onion (Allium Genus)
Elephant Garlic (Allium Genus)
Pencil Tree (Euphorbia Genus; Euphorbiaceae)
Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia Genus; Cupressaceae Family)
Balloon Flower (Platycodon Genus; Campanulaceae Family; Asterales Order)
Geranium (Pelargonium Genus; Geraniaceae Family; Geraniales Order; Rosids Division)
Celosia (Celosia Genus; Amaranthaceae Family)
Bells of Ireland (Moluccella Genus; Lamiaceae Family)
Bachelor Button (Centaurea Genus; Asteraceae Family)
Cup and Saucer Vine (Cobaea Genus; Polemoniaceae Family; Ericales Order)
Fuji Dawn (Viola Genus; Violaceae Family; Malpighiales Order)
Angel's Trumpet (Datura Genus; Solanaceae Family)
Persons wishing to donate plants to our Nursery are encouraged to do so. We can accommodate most plants, but prefer 1-2 gallon pots, or seeds, to ensure survivability upon transplant from our Nursery into the main garden collection. Go to the Contact Us page for more information.
Additionally, persons are encouraged to purchase Memorial Garden plants, which will be planted both as landscaping species, as well as in the Main Garden.